Ciattarelli Connects with Community During #DinerTour Stop at Skylark Diner


Edison, NJ – Continuing his grassroots campaign strategy of connecting directly with New Jersey residents, Jack Ciattarelli made a stop at the iconic Skylark Diner in Edison as part of his ongoing #DinerTour.

“One of the things that makes our state so special is the unique diner culture,” Ciattarelli said. “Diners are a place where people from all walks of life come together for a good meal and conversation. It’s the perfect setting to hear directly from the people I hope to serve.”

During his visit to Skylark Diner, Ciattarelli spent time speaking with patrons, listening to their concerns, and sharing his vision for a stronger, more prosperous New Jersey.

The Skylark Diner, a beloved local establishment, provided a welcoming atmosphere for Ciattarelli’s campaign stop. With its retro charm and diverse menu, the diner embodies the spirit of community that Ciattarelli aims to foster throughout the state.

The #DinerTour has become a hallmark of Ciattarelli’s campaign, allowing him to engage with voters in a relaxed and informal setting. By visiting diners in various counties across the state, Ciattarelli is demonstrating his commitment to understanding the needs and aspirations of New Jersey residents.

“I believe in the power of direct dialogue,” Ciattarelli explained. “By visiting diners, I can learn firsthand about the issues that matter most to New Jerseyans and work together to find solutions.”

The Skylark Diner stop in Edison marks another successful milestone in Ciattarelli’s #DinerTour, solidifying his commitment to grassroots engagement and community-driven leadership.

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