Controversial Redevelopment Proposal for Thomas A. Edison Park Under Review


Edison, NJ – Middlesex County has submitted a proposal to the National Park Service (NPS) to amend the Program of Utilization (POU) agreement for Thomas A. Edison Park, potentially paving the way for a significant redevelopment of the 177-acre property.

The park, acquired in 1964 through the NPS Federal Lands to Parks Program, was originally intended for public parks and recreation, with a deed restriction limiting its use to those purposes. However, the county is now seeking to modify the POU agreement, which could lead to changes in the park’s recreational offerings.

While the specific details of the proposed redevelopment have not been fully disclosed, the county’s request indicates a desire to introduce different recreational uses for the park. Any changes to the POU must be approved by the NPS and align with the original intent of the park’s acquisition.

Recognizing the potential environmental impact of the proposed changes, an Environmental Assessment (EA) has been initiated. The EA will analyze the potential effects of the redevelopment on public access, the natural and built environment, and identify any necessary mitigation measures.

The public is encouraged to participate in the review process by submitting written comments on the EA until September 3rd. The EA is available for review in the “Document List” or “Open For Comment” sections of the relevant webpage.

For further information or inquiries, please contact:

Diane Keith 617-981-2154 National Park Service

Following the public comment period, the NPS will review the feedback and the findings of the Environmental Assessment. The NPS will then make a final decision on whether to amend the POU agreement, based on the consistency of the proposed changes with the park’s original purpose and deed restrictions.

The outcome of this review will shape the future of Thomas A. Edison Park and its role in providing recreational opportunities to the community.

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