Council tells Mayor Joshi “NO” on Cannibis Re-Zoning


Edison, NJ – The one question Council President Nish Patel answered at Monday’s council meeting was who came up with the cannibis re-zoning ordinance and where did it come from. He replied stating simply “the administration” referring to Mayor Sam Joshi.

A proposed ordinance that would have re-zoned certain areas of Edison to allow for cannabis businesses in residential neighborhoods was soundly defeated last night after a heated and contentious public meeting. The council chambers, with a capacity of 350 people, was overwhelmed with concerned residents, forcing police intervention to manage the crowd.

Council President Nish Patel attempted to table the proposed ordinance, citing concerns from many residents and other council members. This was the beginning of what turned out to be a 4 hour and 38 minute Council meeting.

20 minutes into the very contentious meeting Council President Nish Patel stated “officer can we stop letting people in at this point” as residents continued to flow into the council chambers. Frustrated that his colleagues would not proceed to vote on his motion to table, Patel directed the officers to clear the room stating “ok we are not going to do this can you please clear the room”

The circus type atmosphere continued for another 20 minutes before the Council President was able to take a roll call vote to table the ordinance at witch time even he voted not to table.

When the floor was opened to the public, Board of education President Biral Patel was the first to the podium to oppose the ordinance. Patel very passionately said “you did not check with the Board of Education, you disregarded the will of the people, you did not check with one single principal, you did not check with one single teacher, one single staff member or one single parent.” the crowd erupted with applause when the Board of Eduaction President concluded.

The meeting was marked by intense debate and passionate public comments. Those opposing the ordinance expressed fears about increased crime, negative impacts on property values, and the potential for cannabis to be more accessible to young people. The two supporters of the ordinance argued that it would generate much-needed tax revenue for the township and create new jobs.

Ultimately the vote echoed through the council chambers, a unanimous “no” against the proposed cannabis re-zoning ordinance. It was a victory for the residents of Edison, a testament to the power of public engagement. For weeks, concerned citizens had voiced their objections, attending meetings, sharing information, and making their voices heard.

The outpouring of community input led the council to carefully reconsider the ordinance, ultimately deciding against it. This victory highlights how active citizenship can shape local policy, ensuring that decisions reflect the values and needs of the community.

The defeat of the ordinance, especially in the face of such strong public opposition, is likely a significant setback for Mayor Sam Joshi. It signals a loss of public trust and reveals a potential misalignment between the Mayor Joshi’s agenda and the will of the constituents.

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