Edison Approves Salary Increases for Department Heads


Edison, NJ – The Township Council has taken steps to ensure its top officials are fairly compensated amidst rising living costs. In a unanimous decision at their Wednesday August 28th meeting, the council approved an ordinance to increase the maximum salary range for three key department heads.

This move will see the maximum salary for the Business Administrator Sonia Alves-Viveiros rise from $230,000 to $236,900 plus a vehicle to take home to her residence in Morris County. The Directors of Water and Sewer and Public Works will also see their maximum salaries increase from $195,000 to $197,000 each.

The ordinance cites the need to adjust for the increasing cost of living as the primary reason for these salary bumps. This decision follows a similar ordinance passed earlier this year for other department officials, signaling the council’s commitment to maintaining competitive compensation packages for its workforce.

While the salary adjustments demonstrate the Township’s recognition of the challenges posed by inflation and its commitment to retaining experienced leaders, some residents have questioned the increases in light of the many ongoing problems in town. Concerns have been raised about infrastructure issues, public services, and the overall allocation of resources. Critics argue that addressing these pressing concerns should take priority over salary increases for top officials.

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