Edison Fire Department Honor Guard Presents Colors at Red Bulls Game


On July 17, 2024, the Edison Fire Department Honor Guard had the distinct privilege of being invited by the New York Red Bulls to present the colors during the national anthem and the Canadian national anthem at a home game. This special honor highlights the deep respect and appreciation the community has for both the fire department and the Red Bulls organization.

The Honor Guard members, representing the dedication and bravery of Edison’s firefighters, performed their duties with precision and dignity, adding a solemn and patriotic element to the pre-game ceremonies. This unique opportunity allowed the Honor Guard to showcase their commitment to service and to represent their department on a larger stage.

The Edison Fire Department Honor Guard extends their sincere gratitude to the New York Red Bulls for this invitation and for recognizing the important role that first responders play in the community. They were proud to participate in this event and to share this moment with the Red Bulls fans.

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