Edison Firefighter Files Lawsuit Alleging Racial Discrimination


Edison, NJ – Ian Evans, an Edison firefighter, has filed a lawsuit against Edison Township alleging racial discrimination, wrongful suspension, and disparate treatment based on his race. The lawsuit was filed on August 22, 2024, by attorney Kevin Barber of Morristown.

Evans, was one of only three black firefighters in the 125-person Edison Fire Department, claims he has faced discrimination due to his race. The lawsuit details an incident in November 2021 where Evans was charged with stalking by the West Orange Police Department. Although temporary and final restraining orders were issued, Evans maintains he never violated them.

In January 2022, Evans received a Notice of Immediate Suspension and Merits Disciplinary Charges, the notice sought his termination. The lawsuit contends that at the time, Edison employed three white firefighters who had not been disciplined despite facing more serious criminal charges, including unlawful possession of a firearm, theft by unlawful taking, and aggravated assault.

“Unfortunately, this is a recurring theme within Mayor Joshi’s administration. Evans’s lawsuit is not the first to raise concerns about discriminatory practices. Previous allegations of racial bias in hiring, promotions, and disciplinary actions have surfaced recently, raising serious questions about Joshi’s ability to effectively manage a town of this size” said former Councilwoman Joyce Ship-Freeman. “This pattern of alleged discrimination underscores the urgent need to address systemic issues in the Joshi Administration and ensure that all employees are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their race.”

Recently Edison Township quietly settled a racial discrimination lawsuit filed by decorated and respected veteran police officer Nicole Fields for $90,000, with the Township Council being kept unaware of the agreement. The settlement, approved by the Central Jersey Joint Insurance Fund (JIF), addresses Fields’ claims of racial discrimination, hostile work environment, discriminatory failure to promote, and retaliation within the Edison Police Department

Evans’ lawsuit seeks damages for lost wages, emotional distress, and punitive damages. It also requests a court order reinstating Evans to his position with the Edison Fire Department.

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