Edison Jets To Kickoff Amidst Broken Promises and Unfinished Facilities


Edison, NJ – July 27, 2024 – The Edison Sports Building project has been hit with unexpected cost increases, leading the council to approve additional funding to cover the overruns once again. In a recent resolution, the council allocated R.396-07024 for $378,000 to hire a construction manager to oversee the project, R.413-07024 for an additional $96,814 for a change order related to stormwater piping and basement modifications and R.448-07024 for $90,280 for field turf monitoring and maintenance

The decision to hire a construction manager comes after concerns were raised about the project’s management and oversight. It is hoped that bringing in a professional with experience in managing large construction projects will help to bring the project back on track and avoid further cost overruns.

While the additional funding approved by the council is significant, some Council members say it will not be enough to cover the total cost of the overruns. Officials are currently assessing the situation and may need to request further funding in the future.

The football and cheer season kicks off this week, but the excitement is dampened by the continued absence of the completed sports facility originally promised to be completed for the 2023 season. The kids will once again face the inconvenience of having no bathrooms, forcing the use of porta-potties.

The lack of a kitchen or snack stand will also be a challenge for the athletes and spectators alike. With the project not slated for completion until sometime in 2025, the teams and community will need to persevere through another season of makeshift arrangements and less-than-ideal conditions.

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