Ray Catena Hosted A “Cocktails And Cars” Fundraiser With Tickets From $500 To $10,200, Will It Buy Approval?
Edison, NJ – A proposed 210-car parking lot for a car dealership in a residential neighborhood in Edison has sparked a fierce battle between residents and the developer Ray Catena. The proposed lot, slated for 604 & 610 Old Post Road, faces strong opposition due to zoning restrictions, environmental concerns, and questions surrounding potential political influence.

The project site is zoned LR & RB, where “inventory motor vehicle parking” is not permitted. Furthermore, the developer’s plan calls for a 70% impervious surface coverage, drastically exceeding the 40% limit. Residents fear this excessive coverage will exacerbate existing drainage problems and increase the risk of flooding.
Since August 2022, residents have rallied against the project, attending numerous Zoning Board meetings to voice their objections. Their concerns range from environmental damage and increased traffic congestion to noise pollution and declining property values. They argue the large parking lot is incompatible with the residential character of their neighborhood and will negatively impact their quality of life.
The controversy has also taken a political dimension. In August 2024 Councilman Rich Brescher raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest, stating he had received information that the developer Ray Catena was solicited to contribute to Mayor Sam Joshi’s 2025 re-election fund. “I have been advised that Mayor Joshi has solicited campaign contributions from the developer,” Brescher stated. “Unfortunately, this information cannot be verified as Mayor Joshi has not filed his quarterly reports with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission as required by law since the second quarter of 2023. I would ask Mayor Joshi to comply with the law and disclose all his contributors immediately.”
Ray Catena’s February 2nd fundraiser for Mayor Joshi, held after the pending application was carried over from the December 17, 2024 meeting to April 29, 2025, has ignited outrage among residents who have opposed the project for over two years. These residents view the fundraiser, while the controversial application remains pending before the Zoning Board, as a blatant attempt to exert undue influence and circumvent established procedures.
They argue that such events compromise the fairness and impartiality of the application review process and that financial contributions could improperly sway decisions in the developer’s favor. The timing of the fundraiser, while the application is still under active consideration, has amplified their concerns and intensified their opposition, leading to accusations of impropriety and demands for greater transparency from Mayor Joshi.

While Mayor Joshi filed his quarterly report for Q3 2023 on February 5th, campaign finance reports for Q4 2023 and all of 2024 remain outstanding. Records show that Catena donated $10,200 to Marlboro Mayor Jonathan Hornik’s 2023 re-election campaign. Adding another layer of complexity, both Edison and Marlboro utilize the same law firm, Rainone Coughlin Minchello. In 2023, Edison paid the firm $745,199.20, while Marlboro paid $232,892.99. The firm also contributed $16,800 to Mayor Hornik’s campaign. Due to the missing reports, it is unknown if the firm has contributed to Mayor Joshi’s 2025 re-election efforts.
Despite the significant community opposition and the swirling questions of political influence, the developer continues to pursue the project. The Zoning Board has repeatedly postponed the case. The next scheduled hearing, originally set for September 24, 2024, has been CARRIED TO APRIL 29th, 2025 – WITH NO RENOTICE REQUIRED. Residents remain committed to fighting the development, but the repeated delays and the unanswered questions surrounding potential political connections leave them frustrated and deeply concerned about the future of their neighborhood.
Mayor Joshi and Chief of Staff Bob Diehl did not respond to request for comment.