Edison PURE Youth Foundation Organizes School Supplies Drive


The Edison PURE Youth Foundation recently concluded a successful school supplies drive aimed at supporting local students in need. The drive, spearheaded by a group of dedicated young volunteers, collected a variety of essential school materials. Ensuring that students have the resources necessary to thrive in the upcoming academic year.

The initiative garnered enthusiastic participation from several selfless young individuals. Organized by Dhruv Amagowni, Shreyas Mendikar, Sahasra Mendikar, Aaradhya Modi, Sohum Kute, Aditya Dwasari, Veda Prathipati, Suhas Prathipati, Divyesh Kuppam, Sharini Vemireddy, and Aditya ACO. Together, they diligently gathered a range of crucial items, such as notebooks, scissors, , pencils, colored pencils, crayons and backpacks.

The collected supplies will soon be distributed to students facing financial hardship. Empowering them to embark on their educational journey with confidence and preparedness. This thoughtful gesture will undoubtedly alleviate some of the burden faced by families struggling to afford school supplies, fostering a more equitable learning environment for all.

Board of Education President Biral Patel expressed his gratitude for the students’ efforts. “I am truly inspired by the compassion and initiative demonstrated by these young individuals” said Patel. “Their dedication to supporting their peers exemplifies the spirit of community and service that makes Edison such a special place. I extend our heartfelt thanks to the Edison PURE Youth Foundation. All of the volunteers involved in this commendable endeavor should be applauded.”

The Edison PURE Youth Foundation’s School Supplies Drive serves as a shining example of how young people can make a tangible difference in their community. By taking the initiative to address a pressing need, these students have not only helped their peers but also set a positive example for others to follow.

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