Edison Republican Committee Elects Executive Board in Unanimous Vote


Edison, NJ – At the annual reorganization meeting held on 6/25, the Edison Committee unanimously elected its Executive Board for the upcoming year. The newly elected board members will assume their roles immediately and are expected to steer the committee’s activities and initiatives.

The new Executive Board comprises of: Chairman: Sylvia Engel, Vice Chair: Bob Oras, Vice Chair: Brian Kolendreski, Vice Chair: Thomas Comollo, Recording Sec’y: Jared Curry, Corresponding Sec’y Bonnie Thomas, Treasurer: Paul Bravo, Sergeant-At-Arms Muoki Khayadi.

Each of the elected members brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the committee. They are well-respected figures within the community and have a proven track record of dedication and service.

The President, Sylvia Engel, was elected to her 16th two year term as president having been first elected President in 1992. She expressed her gratitude for the unanimous vote of confidence and outlined the board’s vision for the upcoming year. “We are committed to fostering collaboration, transparency, and inclusivity within the committee and the community at large,” they stated. “Our focus will be on addressing the most pressing needs of our community and creating opportunities for all residents to thrive.”

The unanimous election of the new Executive Board signals a strong sense of unity and shared purpose within the committee. It is expected that the new board will continue the committee’s legacy of service and commitment to the Edison community.

The Edison Republican Committee extends its thanks to the outgoing board member Bernie Toscano for his 30 plus years of dedication and service. It also welcomes the new board members and looks forward to a productive and successful year ahead.

For more information about the Edison Committee and its initiatives, please visit their website at https://www.edisonrepublicans.com/

The Edison Democratic re-Organization is scheduled to be held Thursday June 27th. In a very contentious election for control of the very powerful Democratic Committee their are three candidates running. Current Chairman Bimal Joshi, Former Mayor Tom Lankey and Metuche-Edison Historical Society President Rob Kentos are all running for the top Democratic post.

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