Edison Residents Outraged Over Unmanned Substation and Cardboard Police


Edison, NJ – A recent decision by Mayor Joshi ( who also serves as the Director of Public Safety ) to establish an unmanned substation on Oak Tree Road and place cardboard cutouts of police officers in parked police cars has sparked widespread public outrage. Residents are questioning the effectiveness of these measures and expressing concerns about the impact on public safety

The unmanned substation, a small unmarked construction trailer, is usually empty. Residents argue that it lacks the presence and authority of a fully staffed police station. They are concerned that criminals may not take it seriously and that response times to emergencies could be delayed.

The use of cardboard cutouts of police officers in parked police cars has further fueled public anger. While the intention may be to deter crime, many residents see it as a gimmick that undermines the credibility of law enforcement. Some have even taken to social media to mock the initiative, sharing photos of themselves posing with the cutouts.

“This is ridiculous. We need real police officers, not cardboard cutouts,” said Dharmesh Patel. “This is a waste of taxpayer money and it makes us look like a laughingstock.”

Local community groups and organizations have also voiced their disapproval of Mayor Joshi’s decisions. They are calling for a more comprehensive approach to public safety that includes increased police presence, community policing initiatives, and investment in crime prevention programs.

In response to the backlash, Mayor Joshi has remained silent, while some in the administration stating that they are a cost-effective way to address the issue of crime in the area. However, no one has provided any data or evidence to support this claim.

The controversy has sparked a debate about the role of technology and innovation in public safety. While some argue that it can be a valuable tool, others believe that it should not be used as a substitute for human police officers.

As the public outcry continues, it remains to be seen whether Mayor Joshi will reconsider his decisions. In the meantime, residents are left feeling frustrated and concerned about the safety of their community.

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