Edison Revisiting Amboy Avenue Redevelopment Plan


EDISON, NJ – Edison Township is once again reviewing its Amboy Avenue Redevelopment Plan. The Township Council is expected to vote on these changes at their regular meeting on Wednesday. O.2234-2024 an ordinance amending the Amboy Avenue redevelopment plan by modifying several sections in the overlay district pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7.. The Township Council is expected to vote on these changes at their regular meeting on Wednesday.

Key Changes:

The proposed amendments to the 2016 redevelopment plan aim to refine guidelines for building usage and dimensions. Key changes include:

  • Residential properties: While existing residential buildings on Amboy Avenue can remain, new residential construction directly facing the avenue will no longer be allowed.
  • Office spaces: Office buildings can now be built on Amboy Avenue if they meet the minimum lot width requirement of 50 feet.
  • Retail and service spaces: Parking requirements for these spaces are being slightly relaxed, from one space per 250 square feet to one space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.
  • Building height: The maximum allowable height for buildings will be reduced from 45 feet to 40 feet, while the minimum height will be lowered from 13 feet to 10 feet.
  • Half-story usage: If a unit utilizes a third or higher half-story for residential purposes, it can only have a bedroom on one level.
  • Rooftop access: Roof decks or rooftop access are allowed as part of a half-story on an upper level for residents or restaurant use.
  • Parking: The ordinance outlines specific parking allowances in rear and side yards, which depend on the lot frontage.


The original redevelopment plan, adopted in 2016, aims to revitalize the downtown area by encouraging mixed-use developments. However, following an update to the master plan earlier this year, the council requested the planning board to review and potentially revise the existing redevelopment plan.

This is not the first time the council has addressed redevelopment plans for Amboy Avenue this year. In July, an ordinance to reduce the maximum height for new mixed-use buildings was tabled due to concerns from some council members who felt they hadn’t been adequately informed or provided with recommendations from the Planning Board.

Revitalization Goals:

The Amboy Avenue Redevelopment Plan was initially passed with the intent to stimulate economic development, promote green sustainability, and create a focal point for the neighborhood through mixed-use developments combining retail, office, and residential spaces. Despite these goals, the council notes that only one such building has been constructed on Amboy Avenue since the plan’s adoption in 2016.

The upcoming public hearing and subsequent council vote signify the township’s ongoing efforts to refine the redevelopment plan and achieve its vision for a revitalized Amboy Avenue. The ordinance is listed under “UNFINISHED BUSINESS: ORDINANCES FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION, PUBLIC HEARING, AND FINAL ADOPTION” on the council’s agenda for tonight’s meeting.

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