Edison Senior Center Project Grinds to a Halt, Raising Questions


Edison, NJ – The long-awaited new Edison Senior Center project is in sudden limbo after construction unexpectedly halted in November. A “Stop Construction Notice” posted on-site points to the contractor’s failure to obtain necessary permits as the reason, but town officials have remained silent on the matter.

Announced over two years ago, the project aimed to improve and expand services to Edison’s senior community. The proposed $5.3 million center envisioned larger spaces, new amenities, and fresh programming.

“It’s a real shame,” said Bimal Patel, a longtime resident and member of the senior community. “We were looking forward to what this new center could offer. Someone needs to explain how this happened.”

Despite numerous attempts to reach them, the township government has yet to issue a statement explaining the stoppage; a silence that has frustrated residents for over three months.

Further complicating the situation, Shoreland Construction of Long Branch was awarded a $5,290,850 contract for the work. A Code Enforcement “Stop Construction Notice” dated November 15th, 2023 reveals that work was halted for “interior alterations performed without permits”. Shoreland Construction has not commented on the “Stop Construction Order”

The stalled construction and lack of communication from officials leave Edison’s senior community left in the dark. The bright orange “Stop Construction Notice” remains an unwelcome reminder of the project’s uncertain future.

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