Evergreen Meadows Residents Return Home After Evacuation Ordeal


Edison, NJ – The Evergreen Meadows community is finally able to breathe a collective sigh of relief. Following a the evacuation order issued last Friday, August 9th, the 280 displaced families have been given the all-clear to return to their homes.

The evacuation order was prompted by a serious safety concern that came to light after sheetrock fell from the ceilings in two separate apartments within a week. The incident triggered an immediate investigation, leading authorities to declare a dozen apartment buildings within the Evergreen Meadows complex on White Birch Road unsafe.

Construction code official John Soltesz painted a worrisome picture of the structural issues plaguing the buildings. “You can see where the sheetrock is bowing and the nails are pulling through,” Soltesz stated. “It’s failing, almost like it’s not being held up there. We’re finding that in every one of the buildings.”

The order to vacate left residents in a state of limbo, unsure when or if they would be able to return to their homes. The recent incident also brought to light a similar collapse that occurred a couple of years prior. At that time, officials urged the management company to assess the issue, but it’s unclear what actions were taken or what follow up the township did.

Fortunately, after thorough inspections and necessary repairs, authorities have deemed the buildings safe for residents to return just 72 hours after forcing residents to vacate their homes. The ordeal has undoubtedly disrupted the community, serving as a stark reminder of the importance of building safety and maintenance. It remains to be seen what further steps will be taken to ensure the long-term safety and structural integrity of the Evergreen Meadows complex.

While residents are relieved to be back in their homes, questions linger about the root cause of the falling sheetrock and what measures will be implemented to prevent similar incidents in the future. The Evergreen Meadows community is hopeful that this incident will lead to improved safety standards and proactive maintenance practices, ensuring the well-being of all residents.

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