Patel Pushes for Public Comment Limits Despite Mounting Opposition


Edison, NJ – Council President Nish Patel is facing strong resistance as he prepares to bring a controversial ordinance to a vote that would significantly limit public comment at council meetings. The proposed ordinance, O.2233-2024, would restrict speakers to a mere four minutes and eliminate any opportunity for rebuttal.

The move has sparked outrage among residents, who argue that it stifles their voices and undermines the principles of open government. A petition on, started by local resident Ron Loefler, has gathered over 500 signatures in under two weeks, highlighting the community’s deep concerns.

With three council members Ajay Patil, Rich Brescher and Margot Harris already committed to voting against the ordinance, Patel faces an uphill battle. The public’s attention is now focused on Councilmen Asaf Schmuel, John Poyner and Joe Coyle whose votes could swing the outcome.

“We’re hopeful that common sense will prevail,” said resident Raj Patel. “This ordinance is a direct attack on our right to be heard. We urge Councilmen Schmuel, Poyner and Coyle to stand with the people and reject this ill-conceived proposal.”

Theresa Ward a former Board Of Education member said “Such action is blatantly disrespectful, ignorant, undignified and shameful. The council serves the people–not the reverse.”

The council is scheduled to discuss the ordinance on Monday, September 23rd.

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