Residents Rally Against Ordinance To Limit Public Comment

0 Petition Gains Traction as Concerns Rise

A petition started by Edison resident Ron Loefler is gaining momentum, collecting over 200 signatures in less than 24 hours, as concerns grows over proposed Ordinance O2233-2024, which aims to significantly limit public comment time at Edison, New Jersey council meetings.

The proposed ordinance, introduced on September 9, 2024, and spearheaded by Council President Nish Patel, would slash public comment time from six minutes to just four, a reduction of 33%. It would also eliminate the opportunity for four minute rebuttals, further limiting residents’ ability to express their views on matters that directly affect them.

Loefler’s petition highlights the potential negative impact of this legislation, arguing that it threatens residents’ right to actively engage with the council and express their concerns.

“Our Council exists ‘to do the work of the people’, but this legislation contradicts this principle,” states the petition.

It goes on to criticize the justifications provided by council members, such as the belief that residents can adequately express themselves in four minutes and that issues can be addressed “offline.”

The petition stresses the importance of public comment time and rebuttals, not just for those who attend council meetings, but for all Edison residents. It emphasizes that these meetings are funded by taxpayers and that limiting public input could lead to legislation being passed without adequate opposition.

“This is about maintaining our democratic process, a cornerstone of our community in Edison, NJ,” the petition declares.

It urges residents to oppose Ordinance O2233-2024 and to support adequate public comment time and the opportunity for rebuttals at council meetings.

“Edison residents, let’s protect our right to be heard,” the petition concludes.

The council is scheduled to vote on the ordinance on September 25, 2024. Residents are encouraged to sign the petition and to attend the meeting to voice their concerns.

Call to Action

Remember: Your voice matters. Let’s protect our right to be heard in Edison, NJ!

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