Rapid Salary Increase for Business Administrator Raises Eyebrows


Edison Township Business Administrator, Sonia Alves Vivieros, has found herself at the center of controversy due to a swift and substantial increase in her salary. Hired in April 2022, Vivieros’s compensation was initially set within a range of $160,000 to $230,000, as established by a council Ordinance 2157-2022 passed just five months later in September of the same year.

Former Business Administrator Maureen Ruane was making $182,026 when she retired in 2022 after serving two administrations over 11 years according to information provided on DataUniverse.

However, Ordinance 2230-2024, recently approved by the council, has now raised the maximum salary for the Business Administrator position to $236,900. Alves-Vivieros is also provided a vehicle to take home to her residence in Morris County as additional compensation. This move which was described on the agenda as an “ordinance providing for the cost of living adjustment for certain employees of the township” has sparked questions and concerns about the rapid ascension of Vivieros’s pay, with some questioning the justification for reaching the top of the pay scale in such a short period.

The ordinance also increased salary range for for the Director of Water and Sewer and the Director of Public Works from $110,000 – $195,000 to $110,000 – $197,000.

The swiftness of the salary increase has led to speculation about the factors that may have influenced the council’s decision. While Vivieros’s performance and qualifications are undoubtedly considerations, the optics of such a significant raise within two years of her appointment have raised eyebrows among some residents and observers.

As the community grapples with this issue, transparency and accountability from the council will be crucial in addressing the concerns surrounding Vivieros’s salary and ensuring that the decision-making process is clear and justifiable to the public.

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