Senator Bucco’s Crime Bill Passes Senate


TRENTON, NJ – The New Jersey Senate recently passed bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senate Republican Leader Anthony M. Bucco that aims to address the escalating issue of residential burglaries across the state. The bill, S-3006, proposes heightened penalties for those convicted of breaking into residences, with the goal of deterring this type of crime and improving community safety.

“Law enforcement personnel have expressed an urgent need to pass legislation to combat the troubling wave of residential home burglaries spreading across New Jersey,” stated Senator Bucco. “This legislation would help provide law enforcement and prosecutors with the necessary tools to hold bad actors accountable and ensure safety within our communities.”

The bill has garnered widespread support from law enforcement agencies, including the Sheriff’s Association of New Jersey, the County Prosecutor’s Association of New Jersey, and the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police and the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office. Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll highlighted the devastating impact home burglaries have on victims and emphasized the need for stricter penalties to deter such crimes.

Under the proposed legislation, two new offenses would be established: “residential burglary,” a second-degree crime, and “home invasion burglary,” a first-degree crime. The latter would apply to instances where the burglar is armed with a deadly weapon or causes bodily harm during the crime. These new offenses would carry heavier penalties and a presumption of incarceration, reflecting the seriousness of these crimes.

Currently, the law does not differentiate between burglaries committed at residences and those committed at commercial buildings. This bill aims to address that gap by creating specific offenses for residential burglaries, recognizing the unique violation and trauma associated with having one’s home invaded.

While the bill has successfully passed the Senate, it still needs to go through the Assembly and receive the governor’s signature to become law. However, its passage in the Senate represents a significant step towards addressing the growing concerns surrounding residential burglaries in New Jersey.

Senator Bucco emphasized the importance of this legislation in sending a clear message to potential offenders. “By enforcing stricter penalties, we’re sending a clear message that individuals who burglarize homes or engage in other associated criminal activities will face severe consequences,” he stated.

The bill’s supporters hope that by enhancing penalties and specifically targeting residential burglaries, they can effectively deter these crimes and create safer communities for New Jersey residents.

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