South River Residents to Vote on Joint Land Use Board in November


South River residents will have the opportunity to express their opinion in November on whether the Zoning Board of Adjustment should be dissolved and replaced with a joint land use board. This non-binding referendum was approved by the Borough Council on August 5th, following a first reading on July 8th. Councilmembers Matt DeSantis and James Gurchensky abstained from the vote.

The ballot question will ask residents if the borough should amend its code to consolidate the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Planning Board into a single entity. This joint land use board would handle all planning and zoning applications, streamlining the process for developers, contractors, and homeowners.

Mayor Peter Guindi highlighted the benefits of this proposed change, stating that it would create a “one-stop shop” for all planning and zoning matters. This would not only simplify the process for applicants but also save time and money for both residents and the town.

“Most of our townships around here under 20,000 people are starting to do this,” Mayor Guindi said, emphasizing the growing trend toward consolidating planning and zoning functions in smaller municipalities.

The referendum is non-binding, meaning that the Borough Council will not be obligated to implement the change even if it receives majority support. However, the results will provide valuable insight into the community’s sentiment on the matter.

The vote will take place in November, and residents are encouraged to educate themselves on the issue and participate in the democratic process.

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