Edison, NJ – Residents faced long lines at local firehouses this morning as people sought access to clean water. The scenes at both the Route 27 and Plainfield Avenue firehouses underscored what some council members are calling a critical lack of emergency preparedness in the town.

Councilman Ajay Patil said “I don’t think Mayor Joshi truly understands how this water main break has impacted thousands of South Edison residents. Mayor Joshi failed in proactive periodic updates and putting together a quick alternate plan to address the situation”
Patil continued “After many follow-ups and demand for the updates, finally Mayor and his administration started working on water distribution, opening up few facilities for the residents. This all very well could have been done after few hrs of water main break. This holiday season will be remembered as a dark year in the history of Edison. I hope Mayor will now focus on critical infrastructure projects. I would also like to thank OEM Cooordinator for the continual updates.”
Adding to the concern is the apparent lack of a fully functioning Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). A review of the online committee roster reveals that only 3 out of 14 positions are currently filled.

The inadequacy of the Local Emergency Planning Committee is a glaring example of the town’s failure to prioritize emergency preparedness. Mandated to convene quarterly as a whole and in subcommittees throughout the year, the Local Emergency Planning Committee is severely understaffed, with only three of its 14 positions filled according to the township website. This lack of manpower directly hinders the committee’s ability to effectively plan for and respond to emergencies.
“The administration is already planning for their Fourth of July extravaganza yet they can not find qualified residents to serve on our Local Emergency Planning Committee to plan and prepare for situations like this” said Councilman Rich Brescher. “Some residents have been without water since Christmas night. We need to do everything we can to get the water up and running as soon as possible. I hope the Mayor and administration are willing to start working on our critical infrastructure and filling the committee with qualified professionals. OEM Coordinator Andy Toth is great but he is only one man.”
Board of Education President Biral Patel said he “I spoke with superintendent, Dr. Edward Aldarelli and we are going to open up a couple of school buildings where there is water available for residents. Please await official communications from the school district on behalf of the superintendent.”
Residents deserve answers and a clear plan for the future. The town council must take immediate action to address these concerns and ensure the safety and well-being of the community.
Mayor Joshi and Chief of Staff Bob Diehl did not respond to request for comment.