Council President Nish Patel Reschedules Meeting for Social Event


Edison, NJ – The Edison Township Council President has once again rescheduled a regular Council Worksession, this time moving the March 25th meeting to a Combined Meeting on March 27th. Critics of the move cite a pattern of meeting changes, this time designed to accommodate a social event, rather than prioritizing public input during the regular work session.

The decision has drawn the ire of residents who point out the consistent curtailing of public comment time by Council President Nish Patel. Combined meetings, intended to streamline the process of passing ordinances and resolutions, typically cut public comment slots in half.

The timing of the rescheduling has raised eyebrows, coming just a week after a contentious Council meeting where a proposed marijuana ordinance drew heated debate and lengthy public comments.

“Just like that, six minutes of everyone’s public comment time vanishes,” said Vishwajeet Shatapathi, expressing frustration over the shortened time allowance. “Council President Nish Patel seems more interested in social engagements than actually hearing the voices of the people they represent.”

Councilman Joe Coyle who also serves as the President of the Chamber of Commerce, scheduled a social event for the Chamber of Commerce at the Pines Manor on Monday March 25th starting at 5:30pm.

Council President Nish Patel has faced accusations from the public as well as his fellow council members, of discouraging public interaction at council meetings. Combined Meetings are frequently criticized for their extended duration, potentially suppressing resident participation as the evening wears on.

“The Council says they hate combined meetings because they last so long, but they’re going to do it again anyway,” said Raj Rithvik. “Councilman Coyle should do the job he was elected for instead of standing in the lobby all night like he did last week.”

The controversy highlights the importance of public input in local government and raises concerns about the prioritization of council members’ schedules over those of the constituents they serve.

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