Council President’s Threat to Remove Longtime Committee Member Sparks Outrage


Edison, NJ – Tensions within Edison escalated dramatically this week as Council President Nish Patel threatened to have longtime committee member Lois Wolke removed by police. This shocking incident occurred mere days after Patel ordered the removal of former Councilwoman Joyce Ship-Freeman from Monday’s meeting by the Edison police.

Wolke, who has been the District 53 Republican Committeewoman for over 30 years, attending and contributing to council meetings, found herself facing expulsion simply for expressing her views. The situation has drawn widespread condemnation, with many questioning Patel’s leadership and commitment to open dialogue.

“It’s unbelievable that someone who has devoted so much time to this community is being treated this way,” said Republican Chairwoman Sylvia Engel. “Nish Patel’s actions are creating a hostile environment where dissent is silenced. This is not how a democratic institution should operate.”

The incident has also highlighted the growing concerns about Patel’s use of police force to suppress opposing voices. This latest threat against Wolke follows a disturbing pattern of Patel resorting to heavy-handed tactics to maintain control.

“It’s deeply troubling that Patel seems to believe he can use the police as his personal enforcement arm,” stated former Special Assistant to the Mayor Anthony DeAmorin. “This sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the principles of free speech and open debate.”

The community is now rallying behind Wolke, demanding an apology from Patel and a commitment to ensuring that all members feel safe and respected when participating in council meetings.

“Lois Wolke deserves better than this,” declared local resident Scott Blowers. “We will not stand idly by while Patel tramples on the rights of dedicated community members. It’s time for him to step down and make way for a leader who values inclusivity and transparency.”

As the controversy continues to unfold, the future of the council hangs in the balance. Whether Patel will heed the calls for change or continue down a path of authoritarianism remains to be seen. One thing is certain, however: the community will not tolerate the silencing of dissenting voices and the erosion of democratic principles.

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