Edison Faces Tort Claim Over Alleged 1st Amendment Violations


EDISON, NJ – Christo Makropoulos, a 1st Amendment Auditor and Citizen Journalist, has filed a Notice of Tort Claim against Edison Township, alleging violations of his First Amendment rights.

Makropoulos, who operates several news-related social media pages, claims he was denied the right to speak at a May 24, 2024, Edison Council meeting. He alleges this refusal was based on a non-existent law, violating his rights under the Open Public Meetings Act and the U.S. and New Jersey Constitutions.

The tort claim, a precursor to a potential lawsuit, accuses Edison officials and agents of a pattern of conduct aimed at silencing Makropoulos’s public scrutiny of the township. Makropoulos has been a vocal critic of Edison’s government, using Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requests and citizen journalism to expose what he views as ethics violations and illegalities.

He claims the township has retaliated against his efforts by limiting public comment on its Facebook page and initiating an unfounded police investigation against him. The tort claim also mentions an incident where another individual was allegedly indicted for impersonating Makropoulos.

The Notice of Tort Claim cites damages related to emotional distress, violation of public policy, conspiracy, civil rights violations, and violations of the New Jersey Civil Rights Act. While the exact amount of damages sought is not specified in the notice, Makropoulos indicates it will be determined as the case progresses.

In a letter accompanying the Notice of Tort Claim, Makropoulos’s expressed a willingness to resolve the matter pre-litigation, encouraging the township to contact him for potential discussions.

Edison Township has yet to respond publicly to the allegations. The outcome of this legal action could have significant implications for the rights of citizen journalists and government transparency in New Jersey.

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