Former Councilwoman Raises Concerns Over Alleged Police Investigation of Whistleblower


EDISON, NJ – Former Councilwoman Joyce Ship-Freeman has raised serious concerns about allegations that the Edison Police Department has launched an investigation to identify the whistleblower who revealed Mayor Sam Joshi used taxpayer funds to bring four police officers with him to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

These allegations surfaced during a recent council meeting where the former councilwoman inquired about reports of a police investigation into the whistleblower. Councilman Rich Brescher confirmed he had heard that the police attempted to obtain phone records but were denied by the judge, he was unsure whether the records they were seeking belonged to police officers, politicians, or residents. He then asked the township attorney to investigate the veracity of these claims.

Ship-Freeman, who has been an outspoken advocate for transparent government, expressed her dismay at the alleged actions of the police department. “They should be protecting the whistleblower and thanking them for bringing this information forward,” she stated. “Otherwise, this kind of misconduct would go unchecked.”

Councilman Brescher echoed her sentiments, adding, “We are supposed to protect the good people who expose misconduct, not have the police investigate them. This is a serious breach of public trust and state law that protects whistleblowers who come forward to report misconduct. The fact that the misconduct involved Mayor Joshi, who also serves as the police director, makes this very disturbing.”

The allegations, if true, raise serious questions about the integrity of the Edison Police Department under Mayor Joshi’s tenure. It suggests a potential abuse of power and an attempt to silence those who dare to speak out against wrongdoing.

This incident has further fueled tensions within the township and eroded public trust in the local government. Residents are demanding a thorough and transparent investigation into these allegations to ensure accountability and protect the rights of whistleblowers.

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