Former Councilwoman Removed From Meeting By Edison Police


In a controversial incident, Edison Council President Nish Patel took the drastic step of having former Councilwoman Joyce Ship- Freeman removed by the Edison Police from last night’s council meeting. Patel accused Ship-Freeman of disrupting the meeting, yet video footage reveals that her alleged comments were inaudible. This incident adds fuel to the already tense atmosphere in Edison, following recent lawsuits filed by black police and fire department employees alleging racial discrimination within the township.

The meeting took a dramatic turn when Patel ordered the Edison Police to escort Ship-Freeman out, citing her alleged disruptive behavior. However, many attendees and those watching the recorded meeting were left puzzled, as Ship-Freeman’s alleged remarks could not be heard. This disconnect between Patel’s claims and the video evidence has led to questions about his motivation and whether other factors influenced his decision.

In an unprecedented move, Councilwoman Joyce Ship-Freeman took to Facebook Live immediately after being escorted out of the council chambers by the Edison Police. Freeman didn’t mince words, directly criticizing Council President Patel stating “Nish Patel is the most arrogant, discriminating man I have ever met.” Ship-Freeman concluded with “When I said about discrimination, you proved it for me. Thank you for throwing the little black girl out, thank you, thank you very much.” Freeman’s extraordinary decision to go public underscored the severity of the situation, turning the local political dispute into a viral moment highlighting concerns about free speech and transparency in Edison’s governance.

This event follows closely on the heels of two high-profile lawsuits filed by black employees of the Edison Police Department and Fire Department. Both individuals claim they were subjected to racial discrimination and unfair treatment within their respective departments. These allegations have cast a shadow over Mayor Sam Joshi’s Administration and fueled concerns about the prevalence of systemic bias within its institutions.

“When Mayor Joshi sat here as a colleague on the council he would Facebook Live the meetings from the dais in the interest of transparency and open government, to see what happened tonight and to see the way a former councilwoman was treated is appalling” said Councilman Rich Brescher after the meeting. “It is embarrassing the way this body is treating the public, we’re worrying about the wrong things”

The combination of Ship-Freeman’s removal and the recent lawsuits has raised significant concerns about free speech, transparency, and racial equality within Edison’s leadership. Critics argue that Patel’s actions towards Ship-Freeman were heavy-handed and disproportionate to the alleged offense. Moreover, they question whether her removal was influenced by her past disagreements with Patel or her support for the individuals filing the discrimination lawsuits.

The inaudible nature of Ship-Freeman’s alleged comments has further fueled suspicions of a potential cover-up or ulterior motives. Some speculate that Council President Patel may have used the disruption claim as a pretext to silence a dissenting voice, particularly one aligned with those raising allegations of racial discrimination.

These incidents collectively paint a troubling picture of Edison’s current climate. The community is grappling with questions about the leadership’s commitment to open dialogue, fair treatment, and addressing racial disparities within its ranks. It remains to be seen how these events will unfold and whether they will lead to meaningful changes in Edison’s governance and its approach to addressing discrimination.


1 Comment

  1. Bernhard Rosenberg
    if this a cultural thing, Mr. President , get your act together. We know how to fight back and boycott those who support you. This will not be allowed in this town. shame on you. DR. ROSENBERG
    1ma few seconds ago
    Bernhard Rosenberg
    We old timers seem to be treated like garbage. Throwing out a past council president and distinguished members of the community needs to be address by all of us. Do we have to pack the council chambers and have all of us arrested? This would make national publicity. Let the truth be known and seen. RABBI
    43m43 minutes ago

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