Residents Objections Halt Jackson Avenue Project


Council Tables Grant Resolution After Public Outcry

EDISON, NJ – A proposed rehabilitation project for Jackson Avenue has hit a roadblock. In recent weeks residents have voiced a strong opposition to the plan, leading the council to table Resolution R.576-092024 at the October 23rd meeting. The resolution would have authorized the acceptance of a $300,000 grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT).

Councilmen Joe Coyle and Asaf Shmuel were conspicuously absent from the recent council meeting, leading some residents to raise questions about their commitment to their duties.

The grant, awarded through the NJDOT’s Local Transportation Projects Fund, was intended to finance improvements to Jackson Avenue. However, residents raised concerns about the project’s potential impact on traffic flow, parking availability, and the overall character of the neighborhood.

“We were blindsided by this proposal,” said one Jackson Ave resident at recent meeting. “No one consulted us about these changes, and we have serious reservations about how this will affect our daily lives.”

The resolution outlined the Township’s intent to use the grant to address “specific focused local transportation issues” on Jackson Avenue. While the exact nature of the proposed rehabilitation work remains unclear, residents fear it could involve widening the road, altering traffic patterns, or removing on-street parking.

Faced with significant public resistance, the council opted to postpone a decision on the grant. “We need to take the community’s concerns seriously,” stated Councilman Rich Brescher. “Hopefully, the Council will be reviewing the project details and engaging with residents before moving forward.”

The tabled resolution highlights the importance of public input in municipal decision-making. It remains to be seen whether the Jackson Avenue Rehabilitation Project will ultimately proceed and, if so, what modifications might be made to address residents’ concerns.

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