Warehouse in Edison Postponed Amidst Fierce Opposition


Edison, NJ – A proposal to construct two warehouses on vacant land at 135 Whitman Avenue has been met with fierce resistance from local residents, leading to its postponement until November 18th. The applicant, 135 Whitman Renewal, LLC, seeks Preliminary and Final Site plan approval for the project, which would see the construction of two warehouses – one measuring 50,400 square feet and the other 10,125 square feet.

The proposed development, located on Block # 199.01, Lot # 11 & 29-31, sits near the Edison-Metuchen border, a factor that has further fueled opposition. Over two dozen residents attended the October 15th Planning Board meeting to oppose the development. The Borough of Metuchen even hired an attorney to formally oppose the project as the proposed property sits on their border.

Residents opposing the warehouse project cite concerns about the potential strain on local infrastructure and quality of life. Increased truck traffic is a major worry, with residents anticipating traffic congestion and potential safety hazards on already busy, narrow roads. Noise pollution from trucks and warehouse operations is another significant concern, particularly for those living closest to the proposed site.

The potential environmental impact of the development, including air quality and stormwater runoff, is also a worry for residents. Furthermore, the proximity of the proposed warehouses to the popular Edison-Metuchen dog park raises concerns about the impact on this valued recreational space.

The postponement will allow both the developer and the opposing parties to further present their cases. It remains to be seen how the Edison Planning Board will ultimately rule on this controversial proposal.

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