Edison Jets To Kick Off Season This Weekend


The Edison Jets Pop Warner will start of their season this weekend. Amidst the excitement comes the reality of a temporary relocation. Due to ongoing construction delays at their home field on Central Avenue, the Jets have been forced to move their home games and pep rally to Edison High School for the season.

A pep rally to kick off the season will be held on Saturday night, September 7th from 7:00 to 9:00 at Edison High School. Their first home games of the season will be played throughout the day on Sunday at Edison High School.

Originally projected to be completed in the summer of 2023, the sports building project has seen its budget balloon from $5 million to over $11 million due to costly overruns and numerous change orders. Although beset by overruns and delays it is expected to be completed before next season kicks off in August of 2025. Due to the lack of electricity, bathrooms, and lack of adequate parking, the decision was made to host the pep rally and home games at Edison High School this season.

The Edison Board of Education has been more than happy to accommodate the Edison Jets during this transitional period, making accommodations for all home games to be played at Edison High this season. They are pleased to offer the use of Edison High School facilities, ensuring that the young athletes have a place to play and the community has a place to gather and cheer on their home team.

The Jets ready and excited heading into their first home games of the season. Players, coaches, and parents alike are eager to get the season underway with the pep rally expected to be a high-energy event leading up to the games on Sunday.


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