Ethics Policy

Policy scope: All members of our company shall abide by these guidelines.

Intent of Policy: The intent of the ethics policy is to ensure the integrity of The Edison Reporter and unbiased neutrality of its news stories.

Code Compliance: The Edison Reporter holds this code to the highest of standers. All currents and future employees and interns are to comply with all facets of this code.

Abstaining from Conflict of Interests

Promotion: It is not acceptable for anyone employed by The Edison Reporter to obtain cash or anything of value in exchange for promotion without disclosure. In certain instances in which a reporter is given travel expenses or other benefits for covering a story, it must be disclosed.

Campaigns and organizing: The Edison Reporter does not discourage employees from civic involvement of charity, religion, campaigns, or organizations given that such activities:

Do not diminish the performance and quality of work;

Do not create the appearance of sponsorship by The Edison Reporter

Do not otherwise violate this ethics code

Social media guidelines

Introduction: The attached lays out our policy in detail, but here is a brief overview. The guidelines are simple:

Be aware that everything posted on the internet is never truly private

Use your best judgment.

Be aware of what you post: Each The Edison Reporter associate is responsible for their personal social media posts. They should take into account that anything posted may be public for a long time, despite attempts at modification or removal. The Edison Reporter disclaims responsibility for the posts of associates and employees. Social media post should only represent personal points of view and not that of The Edison Reporter. Reporters must clearly identify themselves as an employee and present a disclaimer expressing personal views of the business and its contacts are your own.

Report concerns: If you have concerns that an employee of the Company has engaged in conduct that may violate this policy, please discuss your concerns The Company forbids retaliation against any employee for expressing concerns under this ethics policy.


The Edison Reporter does not permit plagiarism and doing so may lead to journalistic termination.


The Edison Reporter reporters must pursue every side of each story by presenting an opportunity for those subject to negative accusations in an The Edison Reporter exclusive story first with the opportunity to comment.

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