In a dramatic fall from grace, former New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez was sentenced to 11 years in prison on Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, after being convicted on multiple counts of corruption. The once-powerful senator who chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was found guilty of accepting bribes in exchange for political favors, including acting as a foreign agent for the government of Egypt.
Menendez has been a mentor to Mayor Sam Joshi and took the extraordinary measure of endorsing and campaigning for him in 2021.

The sentencing marks the culmination of a lengthy and closely watched legal battle that has rocked the political establishment. Menendez’s trial revealed a complex web of corruption, involving cash payments, gold bars, and luxury gifts, all allegedly provided in exchange for the senator’s influence.
“You were successful, powerful,” U.S. District Judge Sidney H. Stein told Menendez during the sentencing hearing. “Somewhere along the way… you lost your way, and working for the public good became working for your good.”
Menendez, who maintained his innocence throughout the trial, expressed remorse for his actions and asked the judge for leniency. However, Judge Stein emphasized the severity of the senator’s crimes and the need to uphold public trust.
The sentencing of Senator Menendez sends a strong message that corruption will not be tolerated at the highest levels of government. It serves as a reminder that public officials are held to a higher standard and that betraying the public’s trust has serious consequences.
Mayor Joshi has recently been under scrutiny himself for failing to file his quarterly reports with the New Jersey Law Enforcement Election Commission as required by state statute. According to NJELEC records the Election Fund of Mayor Joshi, has not filed the required reports for the last five quarters. The last report on record was filed on 4/16/24 for Quarter 2, 2023 and remains four quarters behind.
Councilman Rich Brescher who has publicly questioned the Mayor’s financial disclosures and raised the question of possible pay to play violations said “we know Senator Menendez was one of the Mayor Joshi’s earliest and strongest supporters, it is imperative that the Mayor file his required financial disclosures immediately so we can see where his money is coming from.”
Mayor Joshi has not commented on his close friend and mentor being sentenced to 11 years in prison for taking bribes and acting as a foreign agent. He has also not addressed why he hasn’t filed his required financial disclosures despite a press release in February of 2024 stating he had raised $200,800 in the first month of 2024. As of his last filed report for Q2 2023 Joshi had only reported $46,465.47 on hand.