Edison Mayor Sam Joshi claims he has reimbursed the township $20,000 to cover the cost of four police officers who accompanied him to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last month. Joshi maintains that no taxpayer money was used for the security detail. But the $20,000 payment has brought more questions than answers.
While Joshi asserts the officers volunteered for the assignment and were not scheduled for patrol that week, scheduling records seem to contradict this. The records provided by officers within the department show the four officers were on a “special assignment” on August 18th and were scheduled to work from August 19th to 24th.
This has raised questions about whether they were truly on a volunteer detail or if they were fulfilling their regular duties and on overtime while in Chicago. A source within the police department expressed confusion about how the officers could be on a volunteer detail while simultaneously being on the work schedule.
“I don’t know how they could serve on a volunteer security detail in Chicago, while they were on the schedule as working. There were also 4 shifts of overtime each day they were gone because of manpower shortages.” said one officer with knowledge of the assignment. The manpower shortage caused by their absence also resulted in overtime shifts, further fueling concerns about the arrangement.
According to multiple sources within the police department, the officers who traveled to the DNC were Sergeant Neel Patel, Patrolman Jason Chang, Patrolman Chris DiPaolo, and Patrolwoman Devan Mulligan. Scheduling records indicate these officers were on a special assignment on August 18th and were scheduled to work from August 19th to 23rd, with one remaining on duty on the 24th.

“In many cases the cover up is worse than the crime. As the facts continue to surface it is looking more and more that Mayor Joshi not only misappropriated funds and resources, but he is now misleading the public and the local press in an attempt to cover his tracks” said Councilman Rich Brescher. “The cost of four officers to go out of state for six days on the township payroll and four more on overtime to cover staffing shortages back at home, the total cost is going to be a lot more than the $20,000 he said he allegedly paid back.”
Concerned about misappropriation of public funds, Councilman Brescher is formally requesting the entire Council to thoroughly inspect all bills and expenses related to the Mayor’s trip to Chicago. This includes scrutinizing overtime pay, regular pay, incurred overtime due to staffing shortages, comp time accrued during the assignment, food, gas, lodging, items on the township credit card and any other cost incurred during the trip. Brescher aims to ensure full transparency and accountability, ensuring that every penny spent is reimbursed to the Edison taxpayers. His initial assessment suggests that the actual cost of the trip could be significantly higher than the $20,000 Mayor Joshi allegedly paid back, potentially reaching closer to $100,000.
The Mayor’s release of police guidelines outlining executive protection protocols on September 10th has only fueled the controversy surrounding his DNC trip to Chicago. The fact that these guidelines were not in place during his trip raises serious questions about his judgment and priorities. Bringing four officers on what many perceive as a political vacation, in the absence of clear protocols, suggests a disregard for both public resources and officer safety, adding another layer of complexity to an already contentious situation.

“It’s my decision on how to staff the police department appropriately,” Police Chief Tom Bryan said. Adding it’s in his official capacity that he makes the decision on staffing levels for the police department. Including assignments and staffing for any security detail to ensure the safety of the person being protected and the officers. The Chief’s statement further suggest that the four officers were not working and traveling voluntarily but were under his direction and on a duty assignment.
Mayor Joshi insists he is committed to transparency and ensuring no taxpayer funds were used for his security detail. However the alleged reimbursement can not be checked as Mayor Joshi has not filed quarterly reports disclosing his donors and expenditures as required by the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission since the second quarter of 2023.
With lingering questions about the officers’ work schedules and the apparent absence of prior protocols for such trips, the incident underscores the critical need for transparent policies and clear communication regarding the use of public resources for security details, particularly when elected officials are involved.
1 Comment
Sam Joshi behaves like a 3rd rate low ranking Indian politician in India. Over there every idiot politician with lowest rank for example village Head (Pradhan) has security detail.
Why a Town Mayor needs Security detail funded by Tax Payers? If any Mayor does not agree with this, they can hire private Security detail. So many in US Congress has private security detail. More over to attend the Democrat convention doesn’t come under his official duty. Joshi should be impeached for misusing Police department and causing financial loss to the township of Edison.
Sam Joshi has a typical mindset of a low ranking politician. If a member of the public wants to talk to him, Joshi makes sure that a Cop is standing right next to him. That cop keeps interrupting, “he is getting late for next appointment that too around 9 PM! Then the member of the public gets an email from his security department to explain the nature of the topic that you like to discuss with Mayor!
I don’t know why residents of Edison has been tolerating Joshi, a habitual liar and racist (He was the one that approved a Bulldozer in India Day Parade to insult American Muslims & Muslims of Indian origin) Edison residents should have impeached Joshi for this.