Ordinance to Eliminate 4 Stories Tabled Amidst Conflicts and Frustration


In a contentious council session, Ordinance 2231-2024, a proposal to eliminate four stories on Amboy Avenue, was abruptly tabled amidst accusations of conflicts of interest and political maneuvering.

Councilman Coyle, who was the listing agent for a property affected by the ordinance, swiftly moved to table the discussion. This action drew immediate criticism from Councilwoman Margot Harris, who exclaimed, “Wow. We certainly are in a rush to table this. This here is a spoiler alert. This ordinance is going to be tabled.”

Harris, expressing her frustration, went on to say, “One of my favorite quotes is ‘don’t make the perfect the enemy of the good,’ which is exactly what tabling this ordinance is doing.” She implied that the council was prioritizing minor details over the benefits of the ordinance and assurances that have been made to the residents along Amboy Ave.

Councilman Ajay Patil echoed Harris’ sentiments, stating, “What we are doing is kicking the can down the road. This is a failure of who drafted the ordinance. I blame Mayor Joshi and the Council President.” Patil’s remarks highlight the growing discontent within the council regarding the handling of this contentious issue.

The tabling of Ordinance 2231-2024 leaves the fate of the Amboy Avenue development open to four stories, with the council deeply divided on how to proceed. The accusations of conflicts of interest and the perceived lack of urgency have further complicated the matter, raising concerns about transparency and accountability within the council.

The future of Ordinance 2231-2024 remains uncertain, and the council faces a challenging task in resolving this contentious issue in a manner that satisfies all stakeholders.

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